Elder Clay Green

Elder Clay Green

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 82 - Aureo's Baptism in Castanhal!

Aureo's Baptism


So we saw many blessings this week! So like I said last week, we had lots of problems, but last Monday, after I sent that email, our energy came back on. When our energy came on, our washing machine was working normally! We dont know what happened it just started working! SO that was 1 miracle. Next, our water started working normally! No more hauling buckets or water up the stairs!! Tuesday we went to Belém and got our new cellphone! And it isnt just any cellphone. it is a Nokia. The nicest cellphone in the mission!! Thats why you always have to be friends with the people in the office :). We also spent all day cleaning our house to a point that is Jesus were to walk in our house we wouldnt feel ashamed. So we resolved all of our problems and to top it off, we had a baptism this week!

We worked a lot with Aureo. He received an answer from God and was super ready to be baptized. It was a very special baptism meeting. It was just us, the 4 sisters and one of the bishops counselors. All of the leaders and youth went to youth conference that day so no one came to the meeting, but it was still good.

Beny and Cylvia have a baptism date marked for this Saturday. It was suppose to be last week but we are in the middle of the Carnaval so everyone is traveling or super busy. We are also working with that man that came to church all by himself last week. Hélington. He has accepted baptism as well and we will work a lot with him this week.

So there is a member of the sisters ward who was a less active but was working his way back to the church. We ate dinner at his sons house one time and he gave us a ride home. Well the sisters were teaching him one night this week, and as soon as they left his house, 2 kids, one was 15 years old and the other 17, went into the mans house and shot him 3 times in the head and left. It was a big shock for everyone in the 2 wards and we spent a lot of time at his funeral. We were asked to sing a lot and I was asked to leave a message in front of everyone with no preparation! I just read Alma 40:11-12 and then we sang some more. It made me reflect a lot about my life and what I need to do better. It was a sad but spiritual experience. 

We were stopped in the middle of the road this week and asked to go by some ladys house and give her a blessing because she is pregnant and sick. So we got the address and went. She lives alone and was waiting for us when we got there. She isnt a member but one of her relatives who is super inactive told her she needs to find the Elders and ask for a blessing, so she did. We went there and gave her a blessing and she started crying a lot. No one there is a member but we all felt the spirit. We invited them to church and left. Sunday rolls around and all of them, showed up to church by themselves, even the inactive guy. The pregnant lady said she already feels much better and felt a strong desire to come to church.

If is going from rain season to sun season so everyone is sick and has a cold. Literally EVERYONE! 

Love yall!!

Elder Green 

 Happy about having a new cell phone

 Sore foot from old shoes.

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